Thoughts on Worship

21 10 2006

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For the past few years, sadly, I’ve been far from impressed with the Christian concerts I’ve attended. The concerts have been everything from the small unknown local bands, to the ones whose songs dominate most young church goers’ CD players, and some in-between.

At one concert I was at, after the electric guitar solo and light show had ended, the lead singer decided to give an altar call, but he failed to even mention sin and the importance of the Cross, so it turned into a “God Wants to be Your Buddy” talk. I was left wondering if the man had come to a saving knowledge of God, himself.

“Christian” Concerts

At other concerts, there have been big, burly men — who looked like bouncers at a wild night club — whose sole job was to separate the “worshipers” from each other so they don’t hurt someone.

And there are always the hysterical teenage girls who scream about how “hot” the band members are throughout the evening, and then chatter later about what an amazing “worship” experience it was. I do concur that they did spend the evening worshiping, but rather than worshiping the King of Glory, they sang and screamed for the people on the stage. They “worshiped and served the created things rather than the Creator.” (Romans 1: 25)

The numbers at these “Christian” events seem to showcase how Christianity itself is morphing into something which closely resembles the MTV culture — materialistic, self-absorbed, lust-saturated, and run and operated by a few rock stars on a stage, rather than by men and women of spiritual maturity. It isn’t the music industry, specifically, that I find heartbreaking.  It’s modern Christianity on a whole, and it just manifests more fully in concert settings.

Set Apart

When did Christianity and worship stop being about Jesus Christ dying for us, and become about Consumerism, instead?

As a Christian, I’ve been called to be set apart, but the modern church is on its way to becoming nothing more than the sanitized version of what’s around it — the PG version of an MTV world.  God doesn’t want fans, He wants disciples — people who are willing to pick up their cross and follow Him.  It’s not a fun or simplistic calling; it’s a call to die.  But it’s only in dying to ourselves that we can truly live.

I often wish I could show people how amazing what Christ did for us truly is, to somehow be able to hold the wonder and the glory of the Cross in my hands, but it?s like trying to explain a sunset to someone who’s never seen colors.

True worship, which is a lifestyle not a musical style, is such a beautiful thing — an expression of love and thankfulness for our Lord and Savior.  I think it’s heartbreaking when anything else takes its place.



3 responses

21 10 2006

I really like the comparison you use. Trying to explain a beautiful sunset to someone who has never seen color. They have never seen color how could they really appreciate the beauty. Any one that doesn’t have Jesus in there heart, how can they understand the wonder.
You speak of the suffering we all must endure.Only God knows the why. But I have come to an acceptance through my own suffering, from my site you know I am dying. I now believe through the Glory and Love of God, I am being given an opportunity to grow as a spritual being. I have had my share of troubles through my life that at the time I considered catastophes. At times I even questioned, God why are you doing this to me, what did I ever do to deserve this?
One Sunday a Pastor’s words awoke something inside of me a realization came to me. God is our loving Father. He doesn’t want us to suffer, but does want us to grow spriritually to become better stonger people. It is the same wish I have for my own children for them to grow to be the best they can. I realized he wasn’t putting problems in my life to make me suffer. He was placing obstacles for me to over come, from which to learn and grow.
If every day every thing in our lives ran perfectly smoothly we would never learn, never grow.I wish I could have had this mind set when I was in the middle of some of my past problems, at the time they seemed life shattering.
My regret is it took me until the point in my life when I am dying to realize this. Life could have been so much easier if instead of becoming mired in the moment I could have just stepped back, and accepted this was a opportunity to learn and grow.
Bless you,

Bill, I always enjoy getting your comments because you share your heart. Thank you.


23 10 2006

Thanks for that post -interesting comments. There is a distinction between worship and a concert. mmm.
God bless

Thank you for taking the time to comment, Maria. 🙂

Grace for the moment,

25 11 2006

This is a really great post, Kelsey. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. I will ponder them for a while.

Thank you, Tim.


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